On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Rick and Jill Lee <rj...@islandnet.com>wrote:

> Dear sirs:
> The latest issue of Open Office is unstable. In spreadsheets, it repeats
> lines when scrolling, refuses to copy and past entire lines or even groups
> of cells, some formatting has been lost compared to the prior version of
> Open Office.
> This is very disconcerting and disappointing.  Can you possible assist?
> Rick
Hello Rick --

The best avenues to receive help with your OpenOffice issues is to use one
of the options on the Support page -- either the users mailing list or one
of the Forums.


or, you can make use of the issue lookup service on that same page to see
if similar problems were reported by other users, see possible reasons is
for it, or if a "fix" is forthcoming.

For "calc scrolling problem" in BZ, I get the following list:


if one of these issues seems to match your problem, it would help us a lot
if you could add information about your system, etc.


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
 to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
                             -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

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