On 2013-10-16, at 14:08 , Drew Jensen <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Howdy Louis,
> Yes, I agree the term desktop might be confusing for some - however, the
> term is not the same as my meaning.
> Seems to me the current thinking within software development organizations
> is to view all systems on a connectivity continuum, with even embedded
> system designers viewing connectivity as a de facto requirement.
> This is pushing much, most more likely I believe, of the commercial work
> and IMO many FOSS projects towards pure SAAS offerings. This is not only
> manifest in the applications/tools developed but also in the secondary
> materials produced. (on-line vs delivered help files, for example)
> It also seems, to me, natural that this evolution towards ubiquitous
> connectivity continues is both driving and being shaped by the shift in
> type of computing devices entering circulation.
> How all that IMO applies to the AOO project is this, as I was looking over
> some of the earlier marketing material from the OO.o project with an eye to
> re-drafting it for the current AOO project it appears to me that some of
> the value proposition arguments put forward are less strong today.
> I was then looking to find additional ideas, attributes, which could be
> used to base new value propositions on and/or as differentiating points.
> It seemed to me that given the current activities in the development world
> the fact that AOO is/was designed from the ground up to work fully, with
> all features, in an environment not requiring connectivity to public
> communications networks might be such an attribute, at this time.
> Certainly it is not a core point, but I do believe there is real value in
> this attribute to groups of prospective users and would be worth at least
> some attention as materials for the project are generated.
> Thanks - and that was rather a lengthy reply...see what happens when one
> does this off-line, sighting there with a mice warm, fresh, cup of coffee.
> //drew

:-) And not only was it long (I disagree that "lengthy" is a word and recall 
fondly the heated discussions over its coinage and incorporation into the 
lexicon sometime back in the 19th or 18th century—and I'm joking)—but you also 
didn't bottom post :-)

Here's the scoop. Do you see any developer active on AOO actually working on a 
mobile editor for ODF? 

I don't.

So, therefore, however quickly the rest of humanity piles into the handbasket 
headed to mobile heaven/hell, it doesn't seem to include the happy campers here.

So, let's make a sentence out of this: Teacup In A Tempest?

As to why we are not seeing non-Apple entities (not sure if MSFT's Office 
doings count, except for laughs) move to a tablet solution says more about how 
behemoths regard the market (as enterprise v. consumer) and why Apple basically 
won, with Google shadowing. Both entities shaped and exploited the consumer 
market over the enterprise and it is that consumer market that is now, as if it 
were a little nondetachable tail, wagging the dog.

That students like the iPad—seen it with me own eyes—ought to be suggestive.

At some point, there will be a mobile solution that is actually usable. I'd 
like to have it edit ODF. But I don't see the drivers here—on AOO—doing that.



PS To underscore: I'm not really being sarcastic or sardonic but do allow that 
I'm being a bit ironic.
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 2013-10-14, at 14:08 , Drew Jensen <drewjensen.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Kind of a sideways note to this discussion.
>>> I rather think that this push to SAAS in the commercial world and the
>>> reverse here, AOO not being SAAS but old fashioned desktop, is something
>>> that should be emphasized in regards to this project and the product of
>>> it's efforts. I believe it may not be too great a leap to say that
>>> maintaining a free quality tool, such as AOO, for the desktop OS world
>> does
>>> give social benefit.
>> I don't (totally or even really) disagree. And I like that you don't cave
>> to the obligatory use of "cloud." But I also think it's not really needed
>> to focus or emphasize the desktop element. Most large-scale users (public,
>> private enterprises, offices, whatehaveyous) will opt for the desktop
>> compleat suite because one or two or more of the modules are needed by
>> their users and a mobile alternative wouldn't work very well, at least not
>> if what you did for a living was working on big spreadsheets.
>> But if you are a student, the idea of "desktop" might just confuse: is a
>> laptop a desktop? And does this mean that ODF files (whatever they are) can
>> only be edited (created, edited) on a "desktop"?
>> Put another way, if you want to emphasize the robust and completeness of
>> the suite, and also its expandability, via extensions, great!
>> And then also showing how mobile apps can tie into this extant network of
>> users only adds icing to the cake…. no?
>>> //drew
>> Cheers,
>> louis
>>> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> rollApp charges now? How sad.
>>>> No they don't, as it's beta. But I'd expect them to eventually do.
>>>> How else would they fund it?. Banners?
>>>> The whole SAAS move is about charging a monthly or yearly subscription
>> for
>>>> things that before were free when installed into your PC. Look at GMail,
>>>> they don't charge you for the service, but they charge you for extra
>> cloud
>>>> storage.
>>>> FC
>>>> --
>>>> During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a
>> revolutionary
>>>> act
>>>> - George Orwell
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