Hello Herbert,

> Did it build with these configure options? Except for the minor nit that 
> --with-openssl is set twice, it looks good to me. The option has been 
> set as "no" and as "/usr", but AFAIK the "no" should win.

The problem is that when configuring without the "/usr" value, the configure 
stops and complains that there is no libcrypto!

> >  There is a libcrypto.a in 
> > /extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo4/main/solver/410/unxsogi.pro/lib
> > but this cannot be used to build a shared object (at least that's what the 
> > linkers say).
> That libcrypto.a comes from openssl and if libxmlsec was configured with 
> the "--with-openssl=no" option it shouldn't be needed anyway.

Sounds quite reasonable but the configure script, as I have mentioned above,
complains. Now. I am building using the unxsogi.mk file. This is something the
building tools have chosen. However, I have noticed that this file does not
contain any LINKFLAGSRUNPATH variables and so when building idlc, I get
the following error:

Making:    idlc
/opt/gnu/bin/gld: warning: libstore.so.3, needed by 
/extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo4/main/solver/410/unxsogi.pro/lib/libreg.so, not 
found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)

I feel that unxsogi.mk is incomplete but then again I might be wrong. I have 
added the following lines in this file

LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_URELIB=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'
LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_UREBIN=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'
#LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_UREBIN=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN/../lib:$$ORIGIN'\'
    #TODO: drop $ORIGIN once no URE executable is also shipped in OOo
LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_OOO=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'
LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_SDK=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'
LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_BRAND=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'
#LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_SDK=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN/../../ure-link/lib'\'
LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_BOXT=-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\''$$ORIGIN'\'

but I guess I need to reconfigure so this lines will be used in the building 
process, right?

Best regards,


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