Yesterday I was trying to make a new build on OSX. I have not used this platform for a while so I instead of updating my SVN repository, I cloned the new GIT repository. That went as smooth as expected (thanks to everybody involved setting it up). But my configure failed. It complained that there was no xcode installed. This is probably due to the transition from 32bit to 64 bit. The only information I found about what to do is a short notice regarding build requirements [1]. That brought me as far as asking me for my Apple Developer Id. I have one, but not readily available, so I can not continue right now.

So, I have some questions:

1. Is it possible to build on OSX with only freely available tools (that don't require registration)?

2. Is there anybody with access to a Mac who is willing to extend the building guide to cover OSX? [2] and [3] describe in some detail how to build OpenOffice on Windows and Linux (in its Ubuntu flavor) but hardly a word on OSX. Is there another page buried in our Wiki?

3. I remember that I also had to set up macports [4] for some frequently used shell commands (I think) but that is not mentioned anywhere in the building guide. Is it not needed anymore?

I think that it is not enough that it is theoretically possible to build OpenOffice on Mac OSX. It should also be documented in a public place so that everybody can do it.



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