As a low-level administrator, I am (in theory) able to download a SQL dump of the data. Sadly, the provided admin interface is unable to move the amount of data required. The next obvious choice is to login to the machine in question and directly dump the data from the backend DB. Only one person is able to do that.

My solution was to use httrack to walk the forum and grab a dump as though I was a web browser. This later solution is the worst solution, but it is the only one I had.

On 10/28/2014 12:51 AM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Definetly agree on that, what would be the steps to get the database from the server?

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak < <>> wrote:

    In its current state it is mostly useless.

    I took an 8 GB dump by crawling the site in September. I think
    that it has as much spam as content in that dump. I think that I
    grabbed roughly 250K threads. If I had more time, I would write
    some scripts to assist cleaning up the spam, but that is
    especially difficult from an HTML dump that links some of the
    files together. I started looking at the data, but, it really is
    not the way to attempt to obtain clean data. Would be better if we
    could grab the DB level stuff and migrate to a static site.

    On 10/27/2014 09:51 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

        I see, I would hate to see this site die. Lots of information
        even if the site is held as a static site.

        On 10/27/14, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <
        <>> wrote:

            On 10/27/2014 07:16 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

                The conversation kinda went away and wonder what was
                the resolution
                about the oooforum and if there is any hope to recover
                the database at
                least to get some kind of plain browsable dump of the


            There was some discussion on the AOO private list, but I
            am not on that
            list. I was copied for some of the stuff. Since I have
            heard nothing, my
            guess is that the owner has been non-responsive.

            I attempted to perform a data dump, but that failed
            because there is a
            limit to the size I can pull through the interface and
            compression is

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Alexandro Colorado
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