It occurs to me that nagging the list about things is not moving the ball 
forward.  I suggest that is not useful and it would be valuable to stay 
constructive or even request assistance.

Your offer is interesting.  Andrea has the key for AOO.  

Don't forget that all of the languages need to be done.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: jan i [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 07:51
To: dev
Subject: Digital signing release for windows.


It seems (as usual) that the discussion has died out, and nobody does
anything (my apologies in advance I am wrong, I would very much like to be

[ ... ]

My suggestion is simple, lets rerun AOO 4.1 for windows, sign it digitally,
and then release it as a patch version.

I am happy to help, especially with the signing, but to help I need access
to the certificate given to the PMC, and somebody who can make a release
windows build.

Steps are simple:
1) make a full build, pick all DLL, JAR and EXE from the object tree
2) Sign them, or let me help with that
3) Overwrite the object tree with the signed artifacts
4) run build but on postprocess (generate new setup package)
5) Sign the installer or let me help with that
6) Upload and start vote
7) Upload to dist and be happy.

What is stopping us from doing something that simple ?

If we want a 4.2 so much better, but lets do the simple things first.

And please lets not cloud this simple step, by missing buildbots etc.

just my opinion.
jan i.

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