I recently bought a 2nd hand computer which has open 
office as it's default .My problem is that all my existing documents etc
 etc as well as spreads are in windows, so I now have to run 2 computers ,
 side by fucking side, which is a poxy nuisance because the ONLY reason
 I'd use apache anything is to access the internet........so I've to 
write a document or whatever in word .Access /excel on one computer, 
then save it on a stick before transferring the stick to my new PC, 
which has internet access........ I can't save or 
convert open office to windows and vice versa, so what do i do?go out 
and BUY a windows 8, or is there a conversion option available in 
OpenOffice??It's like having a book in Chinese but no way of translating
 it to English......it's appropriate u call urselves apache..i 
feel like I've been scalped, open office is as useful as a chocolate teapot,


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