As per the previous mail, I have downgraded to jdk 1.7.0_79. I ran the 
configure script again, after downloading the junit jar, and got the following 
output at the end

* Apache OpenOffice 420 configuration. 
* Configuration part of Apache OpenOffice 420 build is finished. 
* Note: Be aware that you might not be able to build Apache OpenOffice if 
* you ignore any warnings that were generated during this configuration 
* process. 
* - Disabling gtk-quickstarter - not supported on Mac. Use --disable-systray
* - JAVA_HOME was not explicitly informed with --with-jdk-home. the configure 
* - attempted to find JAVA_HOME automatically, but apparently it failed
* - in case JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set, some projects with not be built 
* Source MacOSXX64Env.Set (in tcsh) or (in sh)
* in order to set up the build-environment variables.

I have set the JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly as per the following 


This is pointing to the correct jdk home. This is output of java -version:

java version "1.7.0_79"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)

Why is the configure script not able to find my JAVA_HOME automatically and 
what can I do to make this warning go away?


On 10/25/15, 9:28 PM, "Andrea Pescetti" <> wrote:

>> I downgraded to Ant 1.8.4 and still I get the same issue. It is greater than 
>> 1.7.0
>> and 1.8.4 is sufficiently old enough at this point that I would expect it to 
>> work
>I confirm I can build with ant 1.9 (1.9.3, to be precise) with no issues.
>> so is there something else that is the problem here? My JDK is 1.8.0_45.
>It looks like this may be the problem. This has recently been discussed
>on this list. Can you try building with Java 7?
>Note: in any case, when you have build issues the best thing to do is to 
>find your config.log file and upload it to (or any 
>other service) with expiration date set at one month and send the link 
>here. This will allow people to look at all diagnostic messages. And 
>this is helpful when, like in this case, the error given by configure is 
>actually not very precise.
>   Andrea.
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