Am 01/22/2016 10:10 PM, schrieb Carl Marcum:
On 01/22/2016 12:04 PM, Marcus wrote:
Am 01/22/2016 01:22 PM, schrieb Jan Høydahl:
Probably not very future proof, since it will soon get outdated as
Java moves on to new versions.

Please do not choose a Java platform that is getting out-of-date. This
is not helpful when it comes to bugs that will no longer be fixed.


I understand.

My thought was that it would only be used as a fall back in case the
user had no JDK on their system so we don't have to ship the office with
reduced functionality.

I wasn't sure if it would be feasible.

sure, a bundled JRE as fallback solution would be very comfortable for the user and to some degree I share your idea. But it has also some disadvantages:

- Who is responsible for updating it when it's outdated (and the usual JRE needs to be updated several times per year ;-) )? The user who has installed it or AOO because it was bundled?

- Bundled software will increase the size of every download file (currently Oracle's JRE "costs" ~40-60 MB [1]) - and AOO has already a size that needs to be reduced better sooner than later.

- We have to keep the bundled JRE always up-to-date in the build process which is some effort. At Sun/Oracle times this was done and the bundled JRE was really often outdated and we had to update this with every new OpenOffice release. I remember that we had to re-build everything too often because it just was forgotten to update it.

As fallback solution a message box with text like "a suitable JRE wasn't found, but needed for the functions a,b,c and therefore it should be installed from xyz" is IMHO better.

But - as always ;-) - this is just my 2ct.



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