Thanks, I'll try that.

Meanwhile, how do I get to do a second test run after killing the first one? "ant clean" does not help. Killing and restarting Cygwin does not help. Rebooting the system does let me run again, but is inconvenient.

On 7/7/2016 12:11 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
The hung test method from your log is testInsertFunctionViaFormulaBar. What
I'd recommend is getting a stack trace of the Java test process, eg. using
jstack (since you probably didn't run it with remote debugging enabled),
and seeing where in that test method it is stuck.

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 1:08 AM, Patricia Shanahan <> wrote:

How does one find out whether the tests have hung, or are just taking
their time? I started them by running ant in the test folder using a cygwin
shell that has the parameters for my AOO412 build.

It started doing AOO things, with windows appearing, changing, and
disappearing, so I left it to get on with the job. The next time I looked
in on it, there was an empty spreadsheet on the screen. The last few shell
lines were:

     [exec] setup -> ok
     [exec] write_status -> ok
     [exec] ---
     [exec] Jul 06, 2016 2:43:03 PM org.openoffice.test.common.Logger
     [exec] INFO: Finish running test method [smokeTest]
     [exec] Jul 06, 2016 2:43:03 PM org.openoffice.test.common.Logger start
     [exec] INFO: Start running test method
     [exec] Jul 06, 2016 2:43:03 PM org.openoffice.test.common.Logger start
     [exec] INFO: Clean up temp directory for test method
     [exec] Jul 06, 2016 2:43:04 PM org.openoffice.test.OpenOffice start
     [exec] INFO:
4\program\soffice.exe" "-automationport=12479" "-enableautomation"
"-c8ebd53ec8fb426fbe3e4a4beba2533b" "-nofirststartwizard" "-norestore"

On 7/5/2016 4:42 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

Plz see

You probably want the qa tests, which run the (copied) Smoketest nowdays.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Carl Marcum <> wrote:

Hi all,

Are there other automated smoke test macros or scripts other than noted
below that can be ran on a built office to test basic functionality and
make sure nothing major is broken?

I found this wiki page [1] that references a sxw document that contains
macros and will display a report but I'm not sure how recent it is due to
the file extension.

The file is smoketestdoc.sxw in main/smoketestdoc/
of a build.



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