Forgive my level of ignorance here, but I haven't been a very active
participant to this point, so there's a lot I don't know.

In a lot of the discussion around this whole "retirement" thing (both on
the mailing list and on forums like LWN, etc.) I see a lot of talk about
the problems with the AOO build system.

So my question(s) are:

1. What is the main problem with the build system as it is?
2. Do we need a whole new system, or just incremental improvements to
what we have?
3. Regarding Mac in particular, I'll repeat this question from an earlier
thread:  Does the ASF have Mac hardware for doing Mac builds, or are we
dependent solely on developer machines for that?
4. I keep hearing about how LO adopted this great new build system... can
we in any way leverage work that they did?  Or has that already been done?
Or is it not possible?
5. Other than Mac builds, are any other platforms especially limited or
restricted in any way?
6. Do we still build for OS/2? :-)  (Sorry, I'm sentimental old fool).

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