Am 09/09/2016 09:11 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Patricia Shanahan wrote:

It is what I would want to do for a major release with user interface

Yes, that one is the template for a 4.2.0, not for a 4.1.3 release.

but you still can take this list, make a copy of it and delete everything that makes no sense for a bugfix release - you already mentioned the string freeze and translation phases.

With some additional notses from Patricia we have then a new, smaller list which can be put into Wiki, too.

We also need something far, far more agile for getting simple bug fix
releases out quickly and easily. I propose using 4.1.3 as a test case
for a stripped down process.

Actually, 4.1.2 was exactly this. Your starting point should thus be ; just
copy the wiki page and edit/generalize accordingly.

Sure, but also here no detailed instructions what exactly to do. ;-)

Patricia, I'm sorry but I think you have to ask a bit more than you want. But you will find always a helping hand or answer here.

No string changes means we do not need the "String freeze" or
"Translation phase" steps. No significant changes to external
interfaces, combined with a small number of relatively simple fixes,
eliminates the "Beta Release" phase.

This is the difference between a "micro" (third digit) and a "minor"
(second digit) release. Calling it 4.1.3 implies all of this, barring
exceptional situations.

in the past we have used the following release version schema:

Major releases would be a X.y.z
The X implies we have done major changes like a new program module, new installers, micro modules instead of the big monolithic block, changed/new API etc.

Minor releases would be a x.Y.z
This means we have improved or new features of Calc, changed shape object in Impress, new translations which would include new strings, etc.

Micro releases would be a x.y.Z
This is taken for bugfixes only. Of course we can agree on exceptions to include a few new strings and also translations. But it shouldn't lead to bigger things that would be better put into a minor release.

We still need to pick the bug fixes to go in the release, construct a
release candidate, test it, write release notes etc.

This is all covered in the link I sent. There might be some steps that
need better clarification though.


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