
I am sorry. I do not think so.
Does Open Office meet your requirements at all?
Corel Print House comes with an own Grafik designer. Not sure if our
toolset for pictures etc is sufficient for your work.

However I think this could be a nice feature in the future.
Can Corel export to another file format?

All the best

Tom Kerr <kerrscor...@gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 23. Nov. 2016, 08:18:

> Good morning
> We are getting new computers in the shop and our computer guy suggested we
> contact you
> We currently have many files made from Corel Print House V 5.00
> The files are CPH files
> Does Open Office have the ability to open CPH files?
> Thanking you in advance
> Cheers
> Tom
> Tom & Rose-Marie Kerr
> Box 220, 39 Bridge St East
> Campbellford, ON, K0L 1L0
> T: 705-653-4335
> F: 705-653-1655
> www.FrogsWhiskersInk.com
> www.KerrsCornerBooks.com

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