Le 23/05/2017 à 22:44, Rory O'Farrell a écrit :
On Tue, 23 May 2017 22:11:37 +0200
Hagar Delest <delest.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
Le 22/05/2017 à 10:16, Rory O'Farrell a écrit :
On Mon, 22 May 2017 09:57:31 +0200
Peter Kovacs <peter.kov...@posteo.de> wrote:
Thanks for the sum up.

Still I think we should find a solution.
So i adf backup at the start of editing session  to the list.

Is there a bug for this?
There certainly ought be, but I cannot point to one.

I think Hagar has remarked on Forum of one instance of spellcheck or file corruption on 
his (work) Windows system, and with great respect, that might be due to a freak close 
down on his part.  In this sort of fault finding the user reports of their actions are 
"unreliable", as they often feel they are being trapped into an admission of 
improper computer use.

In ten years of heavy use  of StarOffice/OO (last years on linux) I have 
experienced file corruption or spellcheck problems on very few occasions, 
caused by unexpected power cuts in storms.  My computer experience goes back to 
1965 (Fortran II on an IBM 1640), so I am aware of the need for system in their 

There is a bug report for the ### and for the dictionary issue (but the latter 
was closed as fixed).
Never heard of a feature request to have a backup of the 
registrymodification.xcu file. Sounds a good idea but still needs tweaking from 
user to restore the former file.


My thoughts on a backup were that the file opened at start of an editing 
session should be backed up, so that in the event that the edited file 
corrupted (the ### problem) the previous version remained available.  It is bad 
enough to lose a session of edits, but how much worse to lose the entire file 
as often occurs with the ### problem  Having regard to the large size of 
current hard disks, I feel that this backup procedure (might it need to be a 
backup of a backup?) should be enabled by default
I thought the backup proposed by Peter was for the registrymodification file. 
After second reading, it was about any file at all. Understood. Of course, that 
should be the standard process.
I think that the new file should be written as a temporary file next to the 
original one and the original deleted and the new one renamed after the system 
has confirmation from the OS that the save is complete.
I think that when saving a file in MS Office, we can see such temporary files 
appear and disappear when saving.

As for the spellcheck corruption, I noticed quite recently that it could be in 
fact a temporary glitch. It happened on a big file (25MB), sometimes all the 
text is underlined and sometimes there is no underline at all (even where there 
should be). This behavior disappear after some time (haven't yet investigated 
what is needed, reboot or Windows session...)
Perhaps such a file is at the limit of what OO can comfortably handle.  I know 
from my own experience that large files can be slow to format correctly, 
depending where in the file the cursor was last positioned.  The formatting 
seems to start at the cursor position and seems to take several passes through 
the file until it stabilises.  The ### problem you report may be an instance of 
this and might have cleared with the stabilisation of the formatting.
As far as I remember, even waiting for a long time doesn't change anything.
No real time to investigate when that file is open but will try to record if 
there is something special.


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