There is a bug in my LinkManager changes. Specifically, I made the totally newbie mistake of accessing memory based on a pointer without allowing for it being null, and it turns out it can be null :-(

The primary report for this is, "Writer crashes after copying all content".

I would have expected the failure to be some form of access violation. However, recent e-mails have convinced me that some paths include catch blocks that conceal all exceptions, so it may be the root cause of other problems.

I have checked a fix into the trunk, revision 1814994. However, trunk has other changes.

The simplest way to check whether other bug reports are due to this is to build a version that is identical to 4.1.4 except for the one fix. Anything that works with that but not with 4.1.4 is a duplicate. Of course, the more duplicates we have the worse the problem and the more urgent a fix.

I am going ahead and doing the fix in my 4.1.5 working copy, but activating 4.1.5 is a broader decision.

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