I have some large files made with OO 2.x and 3.x; one I currently have in front 
of me is the complete works of Jane Austen, which I built out of the individual 
files some time ago - as this is all public domain, I can share it. This file 
on OO4 is about 1.7 MB, 800k words, 4 million chars, 3200 A5 pages.

It flies in LibreOffice on an Xubuntu 16.04.03 system (2 x 4788 
Bogomips), 4 GB ram, SATA hard disk. On my main machine. using OO 4.1.5 RC1), 
but also on earlier OO 4.1.x versions, on Xubuntu 16.04.03 (4 x 6185 Bogomips) 
8 GB ram, SSD disk drive [a machine with 4 cores, each core about 130% faster 
than the lesser powered machine] it is glacial. 

I asked OO to add an extra heading level into the ToC - memory twitching about 
570 MB, one core completely engaged, no response after 60 minutes I'll leave it 
run to see if it completes. The LibreOffice machine is using 525 MB ram, and no 
core when not updating the ToC. It did the Index rebuild in about 12 seconds. 
Page count is dramatically different - LO ~2400 A5 pages, OO ~3200 A5 pages) 
(fonts are identical on both machines). I'm not at present worrying about that 
- I'll try a small file (300 pages) and see how that matches across suites.

I have also noted that some very large sample files (made to examine page 
number limitations some years ago) won't open on current OO versions - the 
files that will open are the smaller ones (~55K pages not ~120K pages).

I'm thinking (purely because I can't be stopped) that OO is each time reverting 
to the start of the file when doing layout (as Alt Search and Replace does), 
whereas LO does layout in one stream from the beginning. The hard disks don't 
come into the problem, as Swap files have not been touched.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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