Maybe that is a UCBrowser problem or a temporary slow access to Sourceforge 
(the link in your report works perfectly at my end)

In any case you can always download directly from Apache's server

Hope this helps.


> On February 18, 2018 at 5:31 PM Wladimir Gormakov wrote:
>     Hi, I have a little problem now
>     *Problem description*
>     *The download process does not startand I see an HTML page in a distorted
>     scale & style :-( My OS&Browser - Windows XP SP3, UCBrouser
>     v7.0.185.1002 W hat should I do to receive an update o f AOO? *
>     *Browser variables**Values*
>     navigator.appCodeName Mozilla
>     navigator.appName Netscape
>     navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
>     Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 UBrowser/ Safari/537.36
>     navigator.platform Win32
>     navigator.oscpu undefined
>     navigator.cpuClass undefined
>     navigator.product Gecko
>     navigator.productSub 20030107
>     navigator.vendor Google Inc.
>     navigator.vendorSub
>     navigator.language ru
>     navigator.browserLanguage undefined
>     navigator.userLanguage undefined
>     navigator.systemLanguage undefined
>     navigator.userAgent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 
>     like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 UBrowser/ Safari/537.36
>     Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ? No / No / No
>     *Stable Release*
>     *JavaScript functions/variables**Values*
>     Language ISO code ru
>     Language ISO code (from select box) ru
>     Release matrix platform position (full) 11
>     Release matrix platform position (lp) 12
>     Release matrix platform array data y,130
>     Release matrix language array data ru,Russian,Русский,y,ru/
>     UI platform name Windows (EXE)
>     UI platform name (not supported)
>     Platform (short) win32
>     URL platform name (full) Win_x86_install
>     URL platform name (lp) Win_x86_langpack
>     URL platform name (from select box) win32
>     Version (from select box) 4.1.5
>     File name (full) Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.5_Win_x86_install_ru.exe
>     File name (lp) Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.5_Win_x86_langpack_ru.exe
>     File extension .exe
>     File size (full) (MByte) 130
>     File size (lp) (MByte) 13
>     Release info Milestone AOO415m1 | Build ID 9789 | SVN r1817496 | Released
>     2017-12-30
>     Download file link (full)
>     Download file link (lp)
>     Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5)
>     Checksum file link (lp) (here for MD5)
>     Base URL to
>     Base URL to Apache Archive 
>     getLinkSelection() (download URL) undefined
>     isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ? true
>     Show the sub-box (true/false) ? true
>     General error (true/false) ? false
>     Thanks !
>     --
>     С наилучшими пожеланиями,
>     *Владимир Гормаков*

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