Am 05.03.2018 um 22:07 schrieb Leilani M. Pugh:
*I had no idea where to send this "problem" to nor was I sure how to search for it.  I am a heavy user of AOO Writer & my question is regarding formatting or more specifically indenting.  I am going to take a picture & try to show you what my question is…*

*In this situation, I would like to be able to adjust the top & bottom independently of each other but I can't.  I can adjust the top portion of the margin but when I try to move the bottom for the indent, it moves both together.*

*I hope you were able to understand what I'm trying to do.  Thank you so much for your time & consideration….*

because you have a typical "Howto" question, your request is better suited in the user forums [1] or the users mailing list [2].

The developer mailing list is not the right place for such case of problems.


Thanks for your understanding.


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