Hi Pedro,

Am 14.10.2018 um 12:47 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias
>> On October 14, 2018 at 11:34 AM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de 
>> mailto:matthias.sei...@hamburg.de > wrote:
>>     I think I managed it with these instructions. But ignored most of the
>>     warnings, as they are fixed already (either in Ubuntu or in AOO branch).
> Ok. So any instructions on how to solve the dependencies problems I run into?

I still have a 16.04 VM, so I could try to set up an environment...
But I *think* I just never downgraded g++/gcc but took the provided one.


>>         > > Yes, I am aware of that. But it was suggested in this mailing 
>> list that since 14.04 is EOL and 16.04 will be supported until 2021, this 
>> should be the next move.
>>>     >     14.04 is still supported until 2019 (5 years for an LTS).
>>     But 16.04 would be the next step.
> Thank you for the correction.
> I also manage a laptop running 18.04 so I can also try it at a later stage 
> but I prefer to learn how to find/solve problems in my daily usage 16.04 
> machine.
> Regards,
> Pedro

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