Pedro Lino wrote:
However the AOO site does not specify any charset. Could that be the problem?

I don't think the charset is a major issue, but indeed (if I do the same test with openssl) there is something interesting that can probably be submitted to Infra for investigation.

On any system I've tried with (CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora)

$ openssl s_client -state -nbio -connect

will show (in a lengthy output that I don't have the time to debug now) that it is using this certificate:

0 s:/OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=EssentialSSL Wildcard/CN=*

Note that I requested and I get a certificate valid for * The same holds if I use just or

This mismatch itself doesn't explain much since the connection still works, but it probably gives a hint for asking Infra why this happens.

The output I get is very different depending on the system I use (I get dozens of errors on some systems, a cleaner output in Ubuntu) but in all cases openssl manages to connect in the end.


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