I am looking into the 1st 2 and cannot find, at present, where these vars are 
being set... will continue to look.

> On Dec 20, 2018, at 10:17 AM, Rony G. Flatscher <rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at> 
> wrote:
> Peter,
> as these are different problems to issue 117961 I opened three separate new 
> issues for them to allow
> to evaluate and trace them individually:
>  * MacOS: PATH wrongly set for scripts: 
> <https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=127965>
>  * MacOS: Current directory wrongly set to root directory "/" for scripts:
>    <https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=127966>
>  * MacOS: Running via Java causes exception on MacOSX Mojave:
>    <https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=127967>
> Once the critical PATH issue (127965 above) gets resolved, I will become able 
> to test issue 117961
> again and in case it still is a problem then, I would re-open it.
> ---rony
> On 19.12.2018 18:22, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>> Since it has been closed because of lack of response, just reopen it and
>> continue.
>> On 19.12.18 18:06, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
>>> While re-assessing the (Java based) scripting framework on Apple (checking 
>>> on
>>> <https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=117961>) for AOO 4.1.6 the 
>>> following problems could be
>>> isolated:
>>>  * the PATH environment variable on MacOS gets tampered with, such that 
>>> executables in
>>>    "/usr/local/bin" cannot be resolved, breaking the long standing 
>>> scripting support for ooRexx
>>>      o AOO 4.1.6 on Darwin sets the PATH environment variable to
>>>        .:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
>>>        rather, it should just leave the PATH environment variable intact as 
>>> is the case on AOO
>>>        4.1.6 for Linux
>>>    As Apple has forced third party software to install to "/usr/local" a 
>>> few years ago, at least
>>>    "/usr/local/bin" needs to be available at all times as well! (Better 
>>> would be the user's PATH
>>>    value like on Linux.)
>>>  * the current directory is set to the root directory "/" rather than to 
>>> the user's home directory
>>>    like on Linux
>>> ---
>>> Another observation that pertains to Apple only: interacting with AOO using 
>>> the Java archives
>>> (juh.jar, unoil.jar, ridl.jar, jurt.jar) from Java now causes a runtime 
>>> exception on Apple with Java
>>> 9. Not sure whether this is the Apple AOO or the Java responsibility (it 
>>> used to work in the past
>>> years).
>>> Here the trace of the exception (RexxDispatcher.java is the Java program 
>>> that will invoke the ooRexx
>>> scripting engine which itself uses a Java bridge that interacts with AOO 
>>> via Java):
>>>    wu114215:test rony$ rexxj.sh OpenOfficeTest.rex 
>>>    *CE> 2018-12-18 16:06:25.356 soffice[6648:119551] WARNING: NSWindow drag 
>>> regions should only be
>>>    invalidated on the Main Thread! This will throw an exception in the 
>>> future. Called from (***CE>  0   AppKit                              
>>> 0x00007fff381bdccc -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) 
>>> _postWindowNeedsToResetDragMarginsUnlessPostingDisabled] + 386
>>>    CE>      1   AppKit                              0x00007fff381bb07c 
>>> -[NSWindow _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:] + 1488
>>>    CE>      2   AppKit                              0x00007fff381baaa6 
>>> -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 45
>>>    CE>      3   libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118d5286 
>>> -[SalFrameWindow initWithSalFrame:] + 262
>>>    CE>      4   libvcl.dylib                        0x000000011160e273 
>>> _ZN12AquaSalFrame17initWindowAndViewEv + 643
>>>    CE>      5   libvcl.dylib                        0x000000011160deb7 
>>> _ZN12AquaSalFrameC2EP8SalFramem + 519
>>>    CE>      6   libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001115e93f0 
>>> _ZN15AquaSalInstance11CreateFrameEP8SalFramem + 48
>>>    CE>      7   libvcl.dylib                        0x000000011189f567 
>>> _ZN6Window8ImplInitEPS_lP16SystemParentData + 1159
>>>    CE>      8   libvcl.dylib                        0x0000000111823184 
>>> _ZN16ImplBorderWindow8ImplInitEP6WindowltP16SystemParentData + 404
>>>    CE>      9   libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118234c5 
>>> _ZN16ImplBorderWindowC1EP6WindowP16SystemParentDatalt + 69
>>>    CE>      10  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118bef78 
>>> _ZN10WorkWindow8ImplInitEP6WindowlP16SystemParentData + 88
>>>    CE>      11  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118bf320 
>>> _ZN10WorkWindowC1EP6Windowl + 80
>>>    CE>      12  libootk.dylib                       0x00000001109420c0 
>>> _ZN11VCLXToolkit16ImplCreateWindowEPP10VCLXWindowRKN3com3sun4star3awt16WindowDescriptorEP6Windowl
>>>  + 5712
>>>    CE>      13  libootk.dylib                       0x0000000110940454 
>>> _ZN11VCLXToolkit16ImplCreateWindowERKN3com3sun4star3awt16WindowDescriptorEl 
>>> + 452
>>>    CE>      14  libootk.dylib                       0x00000001109407b4 
>>> _ZThn80_N11VCLXToolkit12createWindowERKN3com3sun4star3awt16WindowDescriptorE
>>>  + 20
>>>    CE>      15  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113f2d84e 
>>> _ZN9framework18TaskCreatorService28implts_createContainerWindowERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS3_3awt7XWindowEEERKNS6_9RectangleEh
>>>  + 1022
>>>    CE>      16  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113f2cecc 
>>> _ZN9framework18TaskCreatorService27createInstanceWithArgumentsERKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS4_3AnyEEE
>>>  + 924
>>>    CE>      17  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113f2ecd2 
>>> _ZThn16_N9framework18TaskCreatorService27createInstanceWithArgumentsERKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS4_3AnyEEE
>>>  + 18
>>>    CE>      18  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e34591 
>>> _ZN9framework11TaskCreator10createTaskERKN3rtl8OUStringEh + 3089
>>>    CE>      19  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efbd9a 
>>> _ZN9framework7Desktop9findFrameERKN3rtl8OUStringEi + 778
>>>    CE>      20  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efc3b2 
>>> _ZThn56_N9framework7Desktop9findFrameERKN3rtl8OUStringEi + 18
>>>    CE>      21  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb53ce 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv16impl_loadContentEv + 766
>>>    CE>      22  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb0e56 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv12startLoadingEv + 438
>>>    CE>      23  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eafef3 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv20loadComponentFromURLERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS3_5frame16XComponentLoaderEEERKNS5_INS3_4lang20XMultiServiceFactoryEEERKN3rtl8OUStringESJ_iRKNS4_8SequenceINS3_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 227
>>>    CE>      24  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efad37 
>>> _ZN9framework7Desktop20loadComponentFromURLERKN3rtl8OUStringES4_iRKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS7_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 327
>>>    CE>      25  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efae82 
>>> _ZThn24_N9framework7Desktop20loadComponentFromURLERKN3rtl8OUStringES4_iRKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS7_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 18
>>>    CE>      26  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d5aada 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 4042
>>>    CE>      27  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d5a430 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 2336
>>>    CE>      28  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d59df0 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 736
>>>    CE>      29  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f17864 
>>> _ZNK9binaryurp15IncomingRequest13execute_throwEPNS_9BinaryAnyEPNSt3__16vectorIS1_NS3_9allocatorIS1_EEEE
>>>  + 2068
>>>    CE>      30  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f16b4b 
>>> _ZNK9binaryurp15IncomingRequest7executeEv + 155
>>>    CE>      31  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f1b7af 
>>> request + 15
>>>    CE>      32  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb69d76 
>>> _ZN15cppu_threadpool8JobQueue5enterElh + 150
>>>    CE>      33  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb6a171 
>>> _ZN15cppu_threadpool14ORequestThread3runEv + 97
>>>    CE>      34  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb6a0ce 
>>> cppu_requestThreadWorker + 14
>>>    CE>      35  libuno_sal.dylib.3                  0x000000010f5cd875 
>>> osl_setThreadTextEncoding + 309
>>>    CE>      36  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801c305 
>>> _pthread_body + 126
>>>    CE>      37  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801f26f 
>>> _pthread_start + 70
>>>    CE>      38  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801b415 
>>> thread_start + 13
>>>    CE> )
>>>    *CE> 2018-12-18 16:06:26.326 soffice[6648:119551] *** Terminating app 
>>> due to uncaught exception
>>>    'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'nextEventMatchingMask 
>>> should only be called from
>>>    the Main Thread!'****CE> *** First throw call stack:*
>>>    CE> (
>>>    CE>      0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff3aca2ecd 
>>> __exceptionPreprocess + 256
>>>    CE>      1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff66d5a720 
>>> objc_exception_throw + 48
>>>    CE>      2   AppKit                              0x00007fff3813bbe0 
>>> NSAlwaysMatchRequestedMaskOf1DefaultValueFunction + 0
>>>    CE>      3   libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001115e939f 
>>> _ZN15AquaSalInstance8AnyInputEt + 191
>>>    CE>      4   libvcl.dylib                        0x0000000111623baf 
>>> _ZN11Application8AnyInputEt + 31
>>>    CE>      5   libsw.dylib                         0x0000000136e9d26a 
>>> _ZN11SwLayAction11FormatCntntEPK9SwPageFrm + 858
>>>    CE>      6   libsw.dylib                         0x0000000136e9b2d0 
>>> _ZN11SwLayAction14InternalActionEv + 1808
>>>    CE>      7   libsw.dylib                         0x0000000136e9a987 
>>> _ZN11SwLayAction6ActionEv + 295
>>>    CE>      8   libsw.dylib                         0x000000013711a93d 
>>> _ZN9ViewShell13ImplEndActionEh + 333
>>>    CE>      9   libsw.dylib                         0x0000000136cc563b 
>>> _ZN11SwCrsrShell9EndActionEh + 139
>>>    CE>      10  libsw.dylib                         0x000000013734d20d 
>>> _ZN6SwView16OuterResizePixelERK5PointRK4Size + 1309
>>>    CE>      11  libsfx.dylib                        0x000000010fec13cc 
>>> _ZN12SfxViewFrame6ResizeEh + 300
>>>    CE>      12  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a747f 
>>> _ZN6Window17ImplPosSizeWindowEllllt + 2063
>>>    CE>      13  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a737c 
>>> _ZN6Window17ImplPosSizeWindowEllllt + 1804
>>>    CE>      14  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118b02da 
>>> _ZN6Window15SetPosSizePixelEllllt + 186
>>>    CE>      15  libsfx.dylib                        0x000000010fe98ac3 
>>> _ZN8SfxFrame28SetToolSpaceBorderPixel_ImplERK8SvBorder + 291
>>>    CE>      16  libsfx.dylib                        0x000000010fcad181 
>>> _ZN20SfxFrameWorkWin_Impl18ArrangeChilds_ImplEh + 257
>>>    CE>      17  libsfx.dylib                        0x000000010fe994d5 
>>> _ZN8SfxFrame6ResizeEv + 709
>>>    CE>      18  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a747f 
>>> _ZN6Window17ImplPosSizeWindowEllllt + 2063
>>>    CE>      19  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a737c 
>>> _ZN6Window17ImplPosSizeWindowEllllt + 1804
>>>    CE>      20  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118b02da 
>>> _ZN6Window15SetPosSizePixelEllllt + 186
>>>    CE>      21  libootk.dylib                       0x000000011094b68e 
>>> _ZN10VCLXWindow10setPosSizeEiiiis + 158
>>>    CE>      22  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e4db82 
>>> _ZN9framework26DockingAreaDefaultAcceptor19setDockingAreaSpaceERKN3com3sun4star3awt9RectangleE
>>>  + 482
>>>    CE>      23  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e85e1a 
>>> _ZN9framework13LayoutManager15implts_doLayoutEhh + 1274
>>>    CE>      24  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e81f19 
>>> _ZN9framework13LayoutManager22implts_doLayout_notifyEh + 25
>>>    CE>      25  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e8164a 
>>> _ZN9framework13LayoutManager35implts_updateUIElementsVisibleStateEh + 762
>>>    CE>      26  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113e8c4d8 
>>> _ZN9framework13LayoutManager11windowShownERKN3com3sun4star4lang11EventObjectE
>>>  + 520
>>>    CE>      27  libootk.dylib                       0x0000000110a64868 
>>> _ZN25WindowListenerMultiplexer11windowShownERKN3com3sun4star4lang11EventObjectE
>>>  + 888
>>>    CE>      28  libootk.dylib                       0x00000001109496b6 
>>> _ZN10VCLXWindow18ProcessWindowEventERK14VclWindowEvent + 3606
>>>    CE>      29  libootk.dylib                       0x00000001109485d0 
>>> _ZN10VCLXWindow27LinkStubWindowEventListenerEPvS0_ + 80
>>>    CE>      30  libvcl.dylib                        0x000000011162c451 
>>> _ZNK17VclEventListeners4CallEP14VclSimpleEvent + 273
>>>    CE>      31  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118ad063 
>>> _ZN6Window18CallEventListenersEmPv + 163
>>>    CE>      32  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a1c38 
>>> _ZN6Window20ImplSetReallyVisibleEv + 168
>>>    CE>      33  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a1cb7 
>>> _ZN6Window20ImplSetReallyVisibleEv + 295
>>>    CE>      34  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a64e7 
>>> _ZN6Window4ShowEht + 983
>>>    CE>      35  libvcl.dylib                        0x00000001118a6589 
>>> _ZN6Window4ShowEht + 1145
>>>    CE>      36  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113ebb518 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv27impl_makeFrameWindowVisibleERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS3_3awt7XWindowEEEh
>>>  + 744
>>>    CE>      37  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb659f 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv25impl_reactForLoadingStateEv + 639
>>>    CE>      38  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb7195 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv14impl_setResultEh + 69
>>>    CE>      39  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb5fe2 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv16impl_loadContentEv + 3858
>>>    CE>      40  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eb0e56 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv12startLoadingEv + 438
>>>    CE>      41  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113eafef3 
>>> _ZN9framework7LoadEnv20loadComponentFromURLERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS3_5frame16XComponentLoaderEEERKNS5_INS3_4lang20XMultiServiceFactoryEEERKN3rtl8OUStringESJ_iRKNS4_8SequenceINS3_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 227
>>>    CE>      42  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efad37 
>>> _ZN9framework7Desktop20loadComponentFromURLERKN3rtl8OUStringES4_iRKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS7_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 327
>>>    CE>      43  libfwk.dylib                        0x0000000113efae82 
>>> _ZThn24_N9framework7Desktop20loadComponentFromURLERKN3rtl8OUStringES4_iRKN3com3sun4star3uno8SequenceINS7_5beans13PropertyValueEEE
>>>  + 18
>>>    CE>      44  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d5aada 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 4042
>>>    CE>      45  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d5a430 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 2336
>>>    CE>      46  libs5abi_uno.dylib                  0x0000000117d59df0 
>>> _ZN7bridges7cpp_uno6shared25unoInterfaceProxyDispatchEP14_uno_InterfacePK24_typelib_TypeDescriptionPvPS7_PP8_uno_Any
>>>  + 736
>>>    CE>      47  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f17864 
>>> _ZNK9binaryurp15IncomingRequest13execute_throwEPNS_9BinaryAnyEPNSt3__16vectorIS1_NS3_9allocatorIS1_EEEE
>>>  + 2068
>>>    CE>      48  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f16b4b 
>>> _ZNK9binaryurp15IncomingRequest7executeEv + 155
>>>    CE>      49  binaryurp.uno.dylib                 0x0000000118f1b7af 
>>> request + 15
>>>    CE>      50  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb69d76 
>>> _ZN15cppu_threadpool8JobQueue5enterElh + 150
>>>    CE>      51  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb6a171 
>>> _ZN15cppu_threadpool14ORequestThread3runEv + 97
>>>    CE>      52  libuno_cppu.dylib.3                 0x000000010fb6a0ce 
>>> cppu_requestThreadWorker + 14
>>>    CE>      53  libuno_sal.dylib.3                  0x000000010f5cd875 
>>> osl_setThreadTextEncoding + 309
>>>    CE>      54  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801c305 
>>> _pthread_body + 126
>>>    CE>      55  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801f26f 
>>> _pthread_start + 70
>>>    CE>      56  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff6801b415 
>>> thread_start + 13
>>>    CE> )
>>>    *CE> libc++abi.dylib: terminating with unexpected exception of type 
>>> NSException*
>>>    *RexxDispatcher.java*: Throwable of type 
>>> 'org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxException' thrown while invoking Rexx:
>>>    getLocalizedMessage(): [BSF4ooRexx/routine/jniRexxRunProgram(), error 9:
>>>           *-* Compiled routine "BSF".
>>>    Error 40 running /usr/local/bin/UNO.CLS line 1843:  Incorrect call to 
>>> routine.
>>>    Error 40.900:  BSF4ooRexx/routine/BSF(), error 3: Java exception 
>>> occurred: [org.apache.bsf.BSFException: BSF4ooRexx subfunction "invoke": 
>>>     bean:        [class org.oorexx.uno.RgfReflectUNO] --> type: 
>>> <org.oorexx.uno.RgfReflectUNO>
>>>     method:      [FINDINTERFACEWITHMEMBER] not found or execution error!
>>>     -> check method name=[FINDINTERFACEWITHMEMBER] (caseless o.k., but 
>>> correct spelling?)
>>>     -> check supplied arguments (correct number, correct types?):
>>>             arg # 1: Rexx argument=[com.sun.proxy.$Proxy6@757942a1] --> 
>>> Java 
>>> value="[Proxy:1970881185,118ee9670;s5abi[0];cdafe8392c93469da813cccb46c..." 
>>> type=<com.sun.proxy.$Proxy6>
>>>             arg # 2: Rexx argument=[LOADCOMPONENTFROMURL] --> Java 
>>> value="LOADCOMPONENTFROMURL" type=<java.lang.String>
>>>             arg # 3: Rexx argument=[0] --> Java value="0" 
>>> type=<java.lang.String>
>>>             arg # 4: Rexx argument=[0] --> Java value="0" 
>>> type=<java.lang.String>
>>>             arg # 5: Rexx argument=[1] --> Java value="1" 
>>> type=<java.lang.String>
>>>    ].]
>>>    wu114215:test rony$ 
>>> Shall I reopen <https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=117961> or create 
>>> a new issue and supply
>>> this information with it? Or is it sufficient to just bring this up here?
>>> ---rony

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