Am 29.07.19 um 10:48 schrieb Gavin McDonald:
On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 9:18 AM George Karalis <> wrote:

I have proposed some time ago the move to a static site generator — like
Jekyll, Hugo etc. —
as I was redesigning OpenOffice’s front-page. That would greatly help
reduce tech diversity
and maintenance as only static html files will be served.

Most static site generators work with markdown and I believe that content
writers won't have
a problem working with markdown. We could also setup an automated build
pipeline that
serves the generated site with every commit, i.e. every markdown or
template change.

Hi George, you have just described almost perfectly Infras replacement for
the CMS!
Using Pelican and GHFM and Buildbot, you only need to 'edit' a page in
Github and that
commit will trigger a site rebuild and automatic publish of the site. It is
still in testing but
almost ready for use. I'll post more details and a docs link when its ready
for wider testing.

that sounds very good.

Yes, please give us a note when it's finished (or ready for a serious beta test) and how to use it. Then we can test a bit.



By the way there's a fully functional redesigned front-page for anyone
interested, that time
there was a server migration and it hadn't got much attention. The CMS
migration provides an
opportunity to move to a whole website redesign.

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