On 8/31/2019 4:23 AM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
> Hi all,
> At the moment I am doing my test builds (trunk and 42X) for Windows with
> the latest Oracle JDK (8u221).
> I am still able to download, but Oracle changed its licensing. I am not
> a lawyer and would prefer to move away from it.
> Damjan recently introduced some patches, so AOO can now work with
> AdoptOpenJDK.
> It is available in 32 bit, which is still needed for Windows [1].
> I am just doing a build for AOO 4.2.0 with AdaptOpenJDK (8u222) and it
> looks good so far...
> What do you think?
> Regards,
>    Matthias
> [1]
> https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html?variant=openjdk8&jvmVariant=hotspot#x32_win

This sounds like it has great potential as it appears to gives us a
potential path beyond version 8 as a cursory reading of the AdoptOpenJDK
web site shows that it supports version 11 and 12 for both both Windows
32 and 64 bit systems.

I look forward to testing your new version 4.2.0 build with the


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