Congratulations Carl, and thank you for volunteering to be the new chair of AOO.

We all really appreciate your work here at AOO!



On 3/21/20 6:45 AM, Carl Marcum wrote:
Thanks Marcus,

I appreciate the support of the PMC and the Board.
I'm lucky to have so many former Chairs still active and some not so that have reached out to offer support.

I'll do my best.

Best regards,

On 3/21/20 8:45 AM, Marcus wrote:
Hello all,

Jim Jagielski resigned his position as VP, Apache OpenOffice last week for personal reasons. The Apache OpenOffice PMC thanks Jim for his efforts and engagement as VP, and we respect his decision. Jim will continue as PMC member and Release Manager.

Carl Marcum volunteered, and so the PMC recommended him to the Board of Directors. At the monthly Apache Software Foundation Board Meeting on Wednesday Carl was appointed to the position. The PMC thanks Carl for volunteering and will support him in his new role.

Best regards

(on behalf of the Apache OpenOffice PMC)

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