Breadcrumbs are completed.

Templates are refactored to be:

(1) brand.gsp to render the branding and search top part of pages.
        Input is metadata in an md file.
name=Apache OpenOffice
tagline=The Free and Open Productivity Suite
announce=Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 released
announcetip=Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 released

(2) navigator.gsp to render topnav, leftnav, and rightnav
        Input is a list of markdown lists and the css div class as metadata/

- [Product][m0]
- [Download][m1]
- [Support][m2]
- [Blog][m3]
- [Extend][m4]
- [Develop][m5]
- [Focus Areas][m6]
- [Native Language][m7]

[m0]:     /product/index.html                                           "Apache 
OpenOffice product description"
[m1]:     /download/index.html                                          
"Download OpenOffice"
[m2]:     /support/index.html                                           "Find 
Support for OpenOffice"
[m3]:                                 "Apache 
OpenOffice Blog"
[m4]:     /extensions/index.html                                        
"Extensions and Templates for OpenOffice"
[m5]:               "Get 
involved in Apache OpenOffice"
[m6]:     /projects/accepted.html                                       "Apache 
OpenOffice development focus areas"
[m7]:     /projects/native-lang.html                                    "Apache 
OpenOffice in your Native Language"

(3) page.gsp to render both markdown and html pages
        - html_extract.gsp is used to extract head, bodytag and body content 
from html
        - breadcrumbs.gsp is used to create the breadcrumbs and a list of each 
directory on the page path.
        - ssi_pages.gsp will keep a json of brand and navigator overrides per 

title=Apache OpenOffice - Privacy

Information about your use of this website is collected using server access
logs and a tracking cookie. The collected information consists of the

1. The IP address from which you access the website;
1. The type of browser and operating system you use to access our site;
1. The date and time you access our site;
1. The pages you visit; and
1. The addresses of pages from where you followed a link to our site.

Part of this information is gathered using a tracking cookie set by the
[Google Analytics]( service and handled by
Google as described in their [privacy 
See your browser documentation for instructions on how to disable the
cookie if you prefer not to share this data with Google.

We use the gathered information to help us make our site more useful to
visitors and to better understand how and when our site is used. We do not
track or collect personally identifiable information or associate gathered
data with any personally identifying information from other sources.

By using this website, you consent to the collection of this data in the
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The json will be like so:
    "/": {
    "/sl/": {
    "/sk/": {
    "/kab/": {
    "/pl/why/": {
    "/pl/product/": {
    "/pl/": {
    "/l10n/": {

The migration script will only need to modify markdown files. Everything else 
will be copied as is.


> On Oct 28, 2020, at 3:29 AM, Carl Marcum <> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> On 10/27/20 11:32 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
>> Hi -
>> The new repository is
>> The next steps are to finish the templates.
>> (Wednesday)
>> (1) Breadcrumbs
>> (2) Branding/Navigation adjustments per directory
>> (Thursday)
>> (3) Staging / Test server with Infra help
>> (Friday)
>> (4) Directory migration script
>> (5) Release for testing
>> Everyone can test at (5)
> That's Great !
> Thanks for the hard work and the update!
> Best regards,
> Carl
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