Can anyone confirm if this is a real problem or if it's just me? When
launching OpenOffice 4.1.8 x64 on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04), if I open
Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java , instead of listing the JREs on my system
after a minute or so, the whole OpenOffice instance just freezes. I've
tried a number of times on two different computers, even leaving it for
over 10 minutes, but no luck, I had to "sudo pkill -f soffice".

On one instance I believe I had a default JDK 15 when I installed
OpenOffice 4.1.8 and I wanted to make sure that OpenOffice would instead
use JDK 11, but I couldn't change it from this menu item.
On the other instance I had JDK 11 as the active java version.

I am using OpenJDK in both instances, on WSL 2 on Windows 10.

John R. D'Orazio

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