On 2021-06-11 13:49, Carl Marcum wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> On 6/11/21 11:09 AM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
>> On 2021-06-08 10:08, Carl Marcum wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Would sharing the "installed" type builds work for Linux testing of
>>> small changes as long as the architecture was the same?
>>> That way Linux testers wouldn't need to integrate with the system
>>> similar to Windows users having the option of an administrative install.
>>> I've tested sharing a build from CentOS 7  to Ubuntu 18 and CentOS 8
>>> without any noticeable issues.
>>> It seems the user profile is kept in a sub-directory so I like that
>>> also.
>>> I didn't know if this had been tried before or if there is a downside.
>>> After a build I copy the office out to a new directory and then copy the
>>> SDK into it.
>>> $ mkdir <path-to-new-dir>/AOO450
>>> $ cp -r
>>> <path-to-source-dir>/openoffice/main/instsetoo_native/unxlngx6.pro/Apache_OpenOffice/installed/install/en-US/openoffice4
>>> <path-to-new-dir>/AOO450/
>>> $ cp -r
>>> <path-to-source-dir>/openoffice/main/instsetoo_native/unxlngx6.pro/Apache_OpenOffice_SDK/installed/install/en-US/openoffice4/sdk
>>> <path-to-new-dir>/AOO450/openoffice4/
>>> Then the openoffice4 dir gets archived from there.
>>> Users could unpack and test then delete.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Carl
>> Carl, ET AL;
>> There is this mwiki page for doing just what you are asking:
>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Run_OOo_versions_parallel#Installing_3..2A_versions_.28three_layer_OpenOffice.org.29.
>> It is marked as outdated and may need some updating. As I do not use
>> Linux I have never tried it myself.
>> Regards
>> Keith
> Thanks for the link. I haven't ran across this before.
> Actually when you build with config option --with-package-format
> "installed" instead of "rpm deb" you get the directory layout and
> embedded user profile without all that work.
> That's what I suggest building and sharing for quick testing.
> Thanks again.
> Carl

Hi Carl;

I mention the link as I prefer to run builds other than the GA Release
without linking it to my release profile. That way if there is a
problem, I can just delete the test or dev build folder and gone.



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