Hi Arrigo, All,

Looks good to me!



Am 15.02.22 um 20:30 schrieb Arrigo Marchiori:
> The Apache OpenOffice PMC is calling all developers and users to
> prepare the "Mission Statement" for the project.
> A project’s mission statement is crucially important for defining both
> the identity of the project and of the community that makes that
> project a reality.
> Our mission statement must outline the current state of the project
> and its near and distant goals.
> The "Apache Way" emphasizes that the community is more valued than the
> software source code itself.
> The current draft of the mission statement is here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/KALFAQ
> The purpose of this [DISCUSS] thread is to get community feedback
> before publishing the mission statement. We expect this discussion to
> take not more than one week. This means that the mission statement
> will be officially released on 22 February 2022 -- unless we find a
> broad consensus on delaying it.
> The discussion will take place on the development mailing list.
> The list archives are public and anyone can subscribe to contribute:
> https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public
> We look forward to your feedback!

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