This is how I get the manager using Basic: 

Get the type description manager from the default context; see section 10.4 
Context, which also shows how to enumerate all of the singleton objects 
Function GetTypeDescriptionManager()
  Dim sTDMName$  ' Name of the type description manager.
  sTDMName = "/singletons/"
  GetTypeDescriptionManager() = GetDefaultContext().getValueByName(sTDMName) 
End Function

The following method enumerates all “things” in the module.

Sub EnumerateTypesTest
  Dim oTDM      ' Type Description Manager.
  Dim oTDE      ' Type Description Enumerations.
  Dim oTD       ' One Type Description.
  Dim typeArray ' Types for which descriptions are returned.
  Dim s$        ' Utility string variable.
  REM All supported types.
  typeArray = Array(, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _

  oTDM = GetTypeDescriptionManager()

  Dim sBaseName$ : sBaseName = ""
  ' Change
  ' to
  ' to traverse more than a single level.
  oTDE = oTDM.createTypeDescriptionEnumeration(sBaseName, _
             typeArray, _
  While oTDE.hasMoreElements()
    oTD = oTDE.nextTypeDescription()
    s$ = s & oTD.Name & CHR$(10)
  MsgBox s
End Sub

To get the information on a specific fully qualified type, use the following 
macro (adapted from an example by Bernard Marcelly):

Function GetOOoConst(constString)
  Dim sTDMName$
  Dim oTDM
  sTDMName = "/singletons/"
  oTDM = GetDefaultContext().getValueByName(sTDMName) 
  If oTDM.hasByHierarchicalName(constString) Then 
    GetOOoConst = oTDM.getByHierarchicalName(constString) 
    MsgBox "Unrecognized name : " & constString, 16, "OOo API constant or enum" 
  End If 
End Function

The method is usable to obtain constant and enumeration values from a text 

Print GetOOoConst("")

This can also return an object that describes the type. This can be used to 
enumerate the values and the strings.

Sub EnumerateEnumerations(sName$)
  Dim oTD       ' One Type Description.
  Dim oTDE      ' Element enumeration
  Dim s$        ' Utility string variable.
  Dim sNames
  Dim lValues
  Dim i As Long
  Dim iCount As Integer

  oTD = GetOOoConst(sName)
  If IsNull(oTD) OR IsEmpty(oTD) Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
  If HasUnoInterfaces(oTD, "") Then
    'MsgBox Join( oTD.getEnumNames(), CHR$(10))
    sNames = oTD.getEnumNames()
    lValues = otd.getEnumValues()
    For i = LBound(sNames) To UBound(sNames)
      iCount = iCount + 1
      If (iCount > 40) Then
        s = ""
      End If
      s = s & lValues(i) & CHR$(9) & sNames(i) & CHR$(10)
  ElseIf HasUnoInterfaces(oTD, 
"") Then
    lValues = oTD.getConstants()
    For i = LBound(lValues) To UBound(lValues)
      iCount = iCount + 1
      If (iCount > 40) Then
        s = ""
      End If
      s = s & lValues(i).getConstantValue() & CHR$(9) & lValues(i).getName() & 
    'Inspect oTD
    MsgBox "Unsupported type " & sName
    Exit Sub
  End If
  MsgBox s
End Sub

This can be used to see enumerations.


This can be used to see constant groups.


Hope this helps a little!

On Friday, June 17, 2022 07:36 EDT, "Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)" 
<> wrote:
 OK, it is possible using 
"/singletons/". (Will have
to look further into it to maybe use it also for UNO_ENUM and the like.)


On 17.06.2022 12:46, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> In the process of creating a few nutshell examples using OLE/COM.
> One open problem is how to get to the UNO_CONSTANTS via the OLE/COM bridge. 
> Here a snippet and its
> output (the tilde is the message operator in ooRexx and could be replaced by 
> a dot for JScript and
> the like; .nil is the singleton object with the string value "The NIL object" 
> to represent null):
>    factory        = .OLEObject~new('')
>    coreReflection = 
> factory~createInstance("")
>    clzName=""
>    say clzName":" "(UNO_ENUM)"
>    type=coreReflection~forName(clzName)
>    say "type:" type "type~getName:" type~getname "(forName)"
>    do f over type~getFields   -- iterate over all fields
>        say f~getName":" f~get(.nil)   -- show name and get the value
>    end
>    say
>    type=coreReflection~getType(clzName)
>    say "type:" type "type~getName:" type~getname "(getType)"
>    say "-"~copies(79)
>    say
>    clzName=""
>    say clzName":" "(UNO_CONSTANTS)"
>    type=coreReflection~forName(clzName)
>    say "type:" type "(forName)"
>    say
>    type=coreReflection~getType(clzName)
>    say "type:" type "type~getName:" type~getname "(getType)"
> The output is:
>    type: an OLEObject type~getName: 
> (forName)
>    STANDARD: 0
>    LEFT: 1
>    CENTER: 2
>    RIGHT: 3
>    BLOCK: 4
>    REPEAT: 5
>    type: an OLEObject type~getName: string (getType)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    type: The NIL object (forName)
>    type: an OLEObject type~getName: string (getType)
> So using CoreReflection does not allow one to reflect UNO_CONSTANTS 
> (forName() returns null).
> Using getType() will return "string" for both, UNO_ENUM and UNO_CONSTANTS.
> ---
> Would anyone have an idea how to use OLE/COM to get at the fields and values 
> like FontWeight (getting the UNO_CONSTANT value for BOLD other than manually 
> via
> <>)?
> ---rony
> P.S.: In the process of creating OLE/COM nutshell examples for scalc, swriter 
> and simpress.

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