
With Pedro Lino's help, I've discovered a serious regression, where Curl
(and libraries that use Curl) can fail to load, because they've been
dynamically linked to OpenSSL but cannot find the copy of OpenSSL shipped
with OpenOffice.


2011, commit 72ebe82f8122a4cf6f6f9eea0178f07d12863421
Initial import from Oracle.

Curl was built with --without-ssl (no OpenSSL support).
OpenSSL, on *nix, delivered static libraries only. On Windows, it delivered
both static and dynamic.
As per main/solenv/inc/libs.mk, dmake could link to OpenSSL statically
(OPENSSL_ST) or dynamically (OPENSSL).
When main/oox linked to internal OpenSSL, it did dynamically on Windows,
and on *nix, dynamically to system OpenSSL, and statically to internal

2016, commit b63233d868a9af170b0457a7aa0c5809011cc2c1
gbuid-reintegration branch, based on Oracle's gbuild branch, is merged to
gbuild gains the ability to link to OpenSSL.

OpenSSL, on *nix, still delivers only static libraries.
Curl still doesn't use OpenSSL.
main/oox still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows, despite now
doing it through gbuild.

2022-04-04, commit 51ba086bf122dbb5b50fd813e5b9a81c051aa16b
"Port our WebDAV content provider from serf/apr/apr-util, to curl."

OpenSSL, on *nix, still delivers only static libraries.
Curl now begins using OpenSSL.
main/oox still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.
main/ucb links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.

2022-05-06, commit 0ca5b4b7b8e66fbc937f89173ce45fcc179e72b3
"Fix including OpenSSL dynamic libraries on Unix (#147)" by Arrigo.

OpenSSL, on *nix, now starts delivering static and dynamic libraries, and
packaging dynamic libraries at the end of the build.
Curl continues using OpenSSL, but now since both static and dynamic OpenSSL
libraries are available, it favours the dynamic.
main/oox still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.
main/ucb still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.

2024-03-18, commit 4c5b548fb6ece87dd30bbf720aca0d994a749167
"Upgrade OpenSSL to version 3.0.13."

OpenSSL, on *nix, continues delivering static and dynamic libraries, and
packaging dynamic libraries at the end of the build. These libraries
however have a different name on OpenSSL 3.
Curl continues using OpenSSL, but now since both static and dynamic OpenSSL
libraries are available, it favours the dynamic.
main/oox still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.
main/ucb still links to OpenSSL statically outside Windows.


Now the combination of these last 2 commits broke Curl (and possibly python
and redland as well) as follows:
- Internal modules have their RPATH set to $ORIGIN (among others), and thus
always search for dependencies in the same directory as themselves at
- Third-party modules usually do not set their RPATH. In libcurl.so, it's
- When only static libraries are present at link-time, the binary being
linked, is linked to them statically. So before
0ca5b4b7b8e66fbc937f89173ce45fcc179e72b3, Curl was linking statically to
- When dynamic libraries for OpenSSL became present in
0ca5b4b7b8e66fbc937f89173ce45fcc179e72b3, Curl began linking to OpenSSL
- Curl thus began using the Linux distribution's OpenSSL, despite us
shipping our own, because libcurl.so's RPATH isn't set, so it doesn't
search its own directory for OpenSSL.
- Many operating systems still have OpenSSL 1 installed, so the fact Curl
gained a hidden runtime dependency on system OpenSSL wasn't immediately
- When we upgraded to OpenSSL 3, Curl began linking to OpenSSL 3, and thus
needing the Linux distribution to have OpenSSL 3.
- Older Linux distributions, like Ubuntu 20.04, don't have OpenSSL 3 yet.
So Curl refuses to load. Anything needing Curl (WebDAV, automatic updates)
also refuses to load.


There are 2 ways to fix this:
1. Provide only static OpenSSL libraries at build and run time, to force
Curl to link to OpenSSL statically.
2. Provide OpenSSL dynamically, but set RPATH to $ORIGIN in all binaries
that use it (including Curl), so they can find the local OpenSSL copy that
ships with OpenOffice.

Arrigo: why did you ever make OpenSSL deliver dynamic libraries? Were you
planning to implement option 2?

Why was OpenOffice ever using option 1, always linking statically to
OpenSSL on *nix? We can't tell from our Git log, because it was done before
we got the code, and we don't have history going that far back. But if I
had to guess, I would say that the OpenSSL API is unstable, and yet OpenSSL
is widely used, and when different versions of OpenSSL (eg. one internal,
one system) were loaded into memory by different dependencies, it led to
conflicts. The ELF binary format is extremely stupid, and can easily match
symbols to the wrong library, if they exist in multiple libraries, possibly
leading to wrong code execution, memory corruption, and crashes. Static
linking prevents that, by embedding the OpenSSL code before dynamic linking
takes place.

On the other hand, I do see OpenSSL 3 is versioning symbols, which should
prevent symbol conflicts between versions, as did OpenSSL 1.1.1, and
possibly earlier versions. Some searching led me to:
which tell us that OpenSSL added symbol versions some time during or after
2010, and after version 0.9.8. So maybe it's not worth it to link to
OpenSSL statically any more. Maybe it's safe to link to OpenSSL dynamically

What do you think? What should we do?


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