Tom Schindl wrote:

Well if you are on linux a simple "sed" command could change the used
JDK or am I missing something. This could surely done also on win32 but
I have no idea on win32-scripting. The information is stored on my
system in:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~tom/.openoffice/user/config/javasettings_Linux_x86.xml

The javasettings_xyz.xml is an implementation detail and it may change between versions of OOo without notice. By the way the vendorData element contains data which are only useful or necessary for exact that JRE (vendor, version) which is determined by the javaInfo element. It is not specified what exactly has to be contained in that element. However, when a Sun JRE is used then it contains the paths to the JRE installation which have to be put in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH before soffice starts. If this is not done, then VM aborts and kills the office as well. If you modify the file and point to a different JRE and vendorData still contains path to the old JRE then you can be sure that at some point your office behaves "strange" if not crashes.

For more information about how a JRE is selected by OOo you could have a look at:


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