Hi Eric,

you wrote:
> Let's imagine I'm a new dev willing to contribute to OpenOffice.org :
> [H] : like common people who want to help, I do have C/C++ background
> ( something like 3 to 10 years of coding something somewhere)
> - first question :  where are things ? How is  organized
> OpenOffice.org code ?( build OpenOffice.org can really help here )
> - second question:  what is the design of the feature I want to
> contribute ?
> [snip]
> Facts:  because I didn't find the answer to the first question(s),  I
> do like 1 developers over 2 did  -> I give up
> For Mac OS X port, we lost 1 over 2 new devs, willing to help us,
> this way, and I have to use a lot of energy and must take care every
> day about that.
You are right - and the problem is, there's no easy fix for that. It's
a multi-dimensional optimization problem, and maximizing one aspect
might pessimize other. I agree with you that the barrier for entry is
high for new devs, but efforts to improve on this are ongoing (build
times, integration of ooo-build build system ease-of-use, lightweight
spec processes, unit tests etc).
High-level design documentation is sorely missing for most modules,
but: OOo is too big, and internal stuff changes much too frequently,
that static design description would really cut it (except it's
_really_ high level, like the module manifestos on the source code
directories wiki page). I guess a mix of problem-specific HowTo
entries (like e.g. adding a new menu entry, a new import filter,
etc.), knowing where to ask (->irc, dev list), and tooling (lxr,
bonsai, refactoring toolkit) has the best chance of being up-to-date,
and at the same time avoiding to frustrate people too much.

> -1 for a new C++ list of best practices : I already got the
> Stroustrup's book (and will continue to learn it)
I'd really hope that the best practice examples from the coding
standards pages are more than what you could glean from the Stroustrup
book (it should rather be a distilled extract from a lot of sources,
including gurus like Stroustrup). Besides, it's less to read. ;-)

> To complete, as suggestion, we should add keywords (or sub-
> categories) in the wiki description like :
> - knowledge only
> - practical
> - tips ( good examples in the code )
> - autonomy ( idea to improve )
> - tools  ( interaction between code and tools, how compile and test
> my code ... )
> - resources ( people, code snippets , where/how find/join us,
> bibliography ... )
> - (complete)
Would you like to add some of them?

> But don't forget the first point:  we currently continue to lose new
> devs regularly ...
We don't forget - but please bear in mind that OOo is one of the
largest and most complex OSS projects (maybe /the/ largest), and in
contrast to e.g. Linux kernel, there's no such clean separation
between device drivers and core kernel (because of the vastly
different problem domain, I'd assume). So, a certain
survival-of-the-fittest preselection should be accepted (in fact,
necessary), but I'm with you that we haven't reached the sweet spot


-- Thorsten

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