Matthias B. wrote:

> On 3/23/07, Oliver Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > This leaves us no choice but to have our component disable the proxy
>> > via UNO API, which of course prevents use of a proxy completely, even
>> > in environments where the proxy is properly configured.
>> If you don't need a proxy for the servers you need to access, wouldn't
>> adding those (via API) to the "No proxy for" list ("ooInetNoProxy")
>> solve your problem as well ?
> Does this allow wildcards? The problem is that I don't have an
> exhaustive list of all servers in the internal network (and this is a
> moving target).
> But Mathias Bauer's suggestion of using an extension is a good one. I
> think that's our best option.

Well, until now nobody has answered my question wether the extensions
layer (share/uno_packages) or the system backend layer has precendence.
But OTOH you could simply test it. :-)


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