Hi *,

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 01:43:02PM +0200, Thorsten Ziehm wrote:
> Mathias Bauer schrieb:
> >AFAIK there are some people already discussing the possible work flow.
> >So we don't need to rush things.
> >
> I know, that the release status meeting decided that somebody should
> define a process. Currently I saw only opened discussion, but I couldn't
> see a team which work on this action item. - perhaps I do not read
> enough mailing lists :-( -
> So I wanted to speed up the definition of a process with my provocative
> question. Currently the QA had a big problem.
> 1. they cannot find out, what the problems of the tinderbox results is;
>    they could only decide on the color of the result

Of course. You need to have a look at the log when it is red.
If QA cannot tell from the (summary) log whether the error is related to
the cws or not, then ask your devs or ask the tinderbox-admin of that

> 2. we cannot reject the CWS, because the development doesn't exactly
>    know, how they can analyze and/or fix the problems

If you cannot fix a compile error with looking at a buildlog, how would
you fix any breaker? Come on...
But still: If you cannot tell how to fix, ask for help.

And if you don't know how to fix, reject the CWS, since it apparently
introduces a non-obvious problem. (Or if you don't reject it, explicitly
state why you ignore that breaker)

> 3. the code line maintainer are validly angry when QA approve the CWS
>    with build breakers
> 4. it isn't possible to compare the results of Master build with CWS

How would it possible to compare buildlogs or parallel builds in general?

> I talked with the Gatekeeper and he told me, that he need a clear
> statement, what should be done with CWSs where the tinderbox results
> are not green (or only what to do when they are red).

Gatekeeper should not be bothered. If it is read, and there is no
explicit statement why the red status is to be ingored, Gatekeeper
should not integrate it.

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