Laurent Godard wrote:

> Hi
> globally agree
>> P.S.: If designed and done right, then macro recording should be
>> feasible for interacting with/using any UNO service object in a language
>> neutral manner, such that the generable macros could be created for any
>> of the desired target languages of the users, OOo Basic, Python, Java,
>> BeanShell, ooRexx, and the like.
>> E.g., if I knew what the initial environment was (already there for
>> macros) and what interactions (API invocations with used arguments) took
>> place, then I would be able to (easily!) create from that an ooRexx
>> program that would be able to "replay" all those API invocations. I am
>> sure that Andrew would know and be able to do the same vor OOo Basic,
>> and everyone else acquainted with UNO and another scripting language
>> would be able to generate the appropriate code in their chosen scripting
>> language.
> paolo mantovani as started some long-term work in thsi direction using 
> python.
> look at
> and ping him if necessarry
> such contributions could easilly be deployed as extensions
By all respect - this approach doesn't scale. It will give nicer macros
in some cases but not more.

What Paolo does is the "big solution", but only to a very small degree:
he reimplements the "glue" code (please see the wiki page I linked to in
another reply in this thread) minus the UI, but he doesn't do it in C++,
he does it in a scripting language.

Doing this in the necessary completeness will take even longer than
doing it in C++ by the people in the know and in many cases it will just
be impossible.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
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