Hi Stephan

Stephan Bergmann escribió:
I would like to install OOo2.4 with the DEV300m5 in parallel on my ubuntu


explains how to install 2.* in parallel.

Are you aware of setup_native/scripts/install_linux.sh (copied to the solver as .../bin/userscripts/install)?

no, I was not; thanks for the hint

It creates a completely self-contained OOo installation (sans any system integration) that does not interfere with any other OOo installation (even has a local user directory)---guess there might be information about it somewhere on the wiki.

well, I think I've read everything about building OOo on the Wiki when I started building a month ago, and I don't remember to have read about it (but as the documentation is quite chaotic, may be I missed it)

(However, on DEV300_m5 it behaves somewhat broken, due to <http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=87647>.)

sad to hear that :-(

Any way I will try see if the method I explain in the Wiki works with three-layered OOo: most people volunteering in QA just download the compiled rmp's/deb's/.exe's, and the method explained in the Wiki Run_OOo_versions_parallel is useful.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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