Hi Mathias,

On Tue, 2008-05-20 at 08:43 +0200, Mathias Bauer wrote:

> In the current situation the problem didn't happen in the class where
> the ctor was removed but in some derived classes. These classes formerly
> had a ctor (and so it wasn't necessary to declare a default ctor, be it
> private or not) that was removed in the patch and now some compiler
> thought it might be a good idea to create a default ctor (and didn't
> find one in the base class that still had another ctor but no default ctor).

Ok.  Yeah, this can be very hard to backtrack when it causes a problem
later on.

> A good example for your approach to have a look before applying the
> patch. :-)
> And perhaps a hint that always adding a (private) default ctor and copy
> ctor is something to think about.

Good point.

> I found removing the whole class better than playing with declared (but
> not implemented) default ctors. At the end a class whose ctor is never
> called can't be much useful. :-)

Yes.  I've also removed a couple of classes instead of just removing the
ctor(s) for the reason you already mentioned.  So, I definitely agree
with you there.  As you said, the default ctor not being called is often
an indication that the class as a whole is not used at all.


Kohei Yoshida - OpenOffice.org Engineer - Novell, Inc.

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