On 08/28/08 18:32, Pierre Doyon wrote:

The undefined symbols come from the following warnings

ld: warning can't open dynamic library: @loader_path/libuno_sal.dylib.3 referenced from: /Users/pdoyon/OpenOffice.org3.0_SDK/macosx/lib/libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2) ld: warning can't open dynamic library: @loader_path/libuno_salhelpergcc3.dylib.3 referenced from: /Users/pdoyon/OpenOffice.org3.0_SDK/macosx/lib/libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2) ld: warning can't open dynamic library: @loader_path/libuno_cppu.dylib.3 referenced from: /Users/pdoyon/OpenOffice.org3.0_SDK/macosx/lib/libuno_cppuhelpergcc3.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
ld: Undefined symbols:

Can you quote the complete gcc command line that outputs the above ld errors?


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