Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 10:29 +0200, Kay Ramme wrote:
This "build helper" may be compared to the Linux kernels menuconfig /
xconfig, first configure it extensively, ideally in a graphical way, than build it.

I'm not particularly against all this stuff, but it seems like a lot of
work for very little gain. I mean "./configure; make" should be the
goal. All the rest of the fiddly --with-this, --with-that, --the-other"
shouldn't really be encouraged to be used unless necessary.


FWIW, for me the ideal build-modularization goal is something along the
modular X model, where a similar single build-system that created a
gadzillion programs and libraries was split up where each target could
be checked out individually and built separately from scratch linking
against previously installed headers/libraries from previously built
e.g. to build vcl "standalone" you can nearly do that, checkout just
vcl, use the sdk configuration mechanism of setsdkenv_unix, and build
against headers from the existing sdk headers + headers from comphelper,
i18npool, psprint (gone now), svtools, tools & vos (should go away) and
link against the existing libraries from the matching ure packages and
matching installed OOo. I think that there's better prototypes in
ooo-build, especially to address splitting scp2 up into the individual
projects, etc. to make a more serious stab at it.

On a related note it would be a good thing to get simple vcl demo programs (like in vcl/workben) functional again without a complete OOo installation. One of the many things I should do but don't really have the time for.

Just my 2 cents, pl

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