One of my Test Cleanup (<>) efforts is to consistently use standard JUnit 4 for the Java-based tests in the OOo code base. It appears that JUnit is not yet a requirement in the OOo build environment, and I see different ways how to make it one:

1 Include JUnit 4 as an external module in the OOo code base, allowing some configure --with-system-junit switch to override it. We could include either

1.1 <> which, due to being platform-independent, can directly be used without any compilation (and appears to run fine on our Java 5 baseline),

1.2 <> and build it.

2 Require JUnit 4 to be installed as a prerequisite, checked by configure. We could either

2.1 try to find it on CLASSPATH (which would imply that must no longer resets the CLASSPATH; which is probably dubious, anyway---as dubious as the additional XCLASSPATH), or

2.2 require that an appropriate configure --with-junit=... switch is always passed (which would be optionally available in 2.1, too, to explicitly specify the JUnit 4 to be used).



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