On 02/11/10 03:11, Terrence Enger wrote:
<http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Non_Product_Build> tells me
that an assertion failure is considered to be a bug and should be
reported.  However, I had three different assertion failures within
the first few minutes using the program.  So, I suspect that the
messages may be a result of my own misundertanding rather than a
problem in the code itself.

Unfortunately running a non-pro OOo results in many assertions popping up. I was just recently frustrated by that once again, and decided (for myself, at least) we should finally address that problem by letting those assertions abort, so just now filed <http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=109142>.

And, the prevalent notion that those assertions are not fixed, anyway, has let many to no longer bother about them, especially not filing issues for them. This would change when assertions abort, so that P1 reports would be filed (and fixed!) for them.

Let me pick on the first assertion which failed, and one which is
failing quite regularly.  It is ...
    Error: seekEntry(): Bad map
    From File /home/terry/OOo_hacking/DEV300_m71/svl/source/misc/inettype.cxx 
at line 818
( It looks to me like the code is testing for pointer values
increasing in successive array elements where it should be testing for
increasing values of the pointed-to strings.  The pointers are
initialized from string literals at line 487 of the same file. So, it
is not too surprising that the assertion fails. )

This one is funny. (And, it appears, I'm free to laugh about it, as I most probably wrote that code myself, what feels like ages ago...) The DBG_ASSERT that obviously is intended to compare successive strings for lexicographic sorting indeed just checks the string pointers for "<". However, the way compilers work, the strings in the MediaTypeEntry arrays are indeed likely allocated to increasing memory addresses, so the (nonsensical) test would often actually succeed. Only if the compiler is aggressive enough to merge string literals things will start to break. Now addressed by <http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=109146>.

Thanks for pointing it out!


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