
I have just completed a non-product build of DEV300_m71, my first
ever non-product build.

<> tells me
that an assertion failure is considered to be a bug and should be
reported.  However, I had three different assertion failures within
the first few minutes using the program.  So, I suspect that the
messages may be a result of my own misundertanding rather than a
problem in the code itself.

Let me pick on the first assertion which failed, and one which is
failing quite regularly.  It is ...
    Error: seekEntry(): Bad map
    From File /home/terry/OOo_hacking/DEV300_m71/svl/source/misc/inettype.cxx 
at line 818
( It looks to me like the code is testing for pointer values
increasing in successive array elements where it should be testing for
increasing values of the pointed-to strings.  The pointers are
initialized from string literals at line 487 of the same file. So, it
is not too surprising that the assertion fails. )

First, the issues database: when I query the issues database, I come
up empty on
(*) [seekEntry] in summary (0 hits)
(*) [seekEntry] in description (0 hits)
(*) [bad map] (all words) in summary (4 hits: 3 are bitmaps, 1 is an
    html image map)
(*) [bad map] (all words) in description (40 hits: none of the DEFECTs
    appears at first glance to apply to my situation)
How should I do my query?  I can't really be the first to find this,
can I?

All suggestions are welcome.


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