Hi Bill,

it took longer than expected, but here we are. I took the CMake build protoype again, that my colleague Martin Hollmichel provided, and gave it another whirl. The results didn't change much.

In short words:

Of course CMake is able to build OOo, it is also better than our current build system. But the benefit of using CMake does not appear to be big enough to make the switch. And there are still some disadvantages in CMake because it is a recursive system and some open questions. I will try to explain that all.

It's possible that my summary is caused by my own misunderstanding of the documentation for CMake that I found in the net and from my lurking on the CMake mailing list for some weeks. So perhaps you can add some new points to that evaluation.

Let me start with the last point in your mail as it touches a central point and perhaps we can get somewhere by shifting the discussion to the essentials:

Another aspect of CMake that you do not address in your evaluation is
that fact that with CMake you will be "outsourcing" the maintenance of
the build system to the CMake developers.

Sure, that goes without a saying. But we also don't plan to take over the maintenance of GNU Make ;-).

It's correct that we don't use the "raw" GNU Make, we will use some macros that provide a higher abstraction layer to avoid some common mistakes that we found in our current build system. These macros are what makes this system attractive for us. They provide some important high-level functionality that GNU Make and CMake don't not have out of the box. So we had to implement the same macros in CMake's macro language if we wanted to have the same features. It's unclear to me if we can do all of them in CMake, but at the end that probably doesn't matter so much, as even if we could do that, I don't see the benefit of using CMake instead of GNU Make then, as we had to do the same amount of work. But I see a potential disadvantage: we would get an additional layer between our makefile code and the build system that actually does the work.

The makefiles the developers had to create for the GNU Make based build system would be comparable to the CMake makefiles I have seen in Martin Hollmichel's build, so there's nothing that makes a difference in one or the other direction.

I still think that probably CMake does not provide all features of GNU Make that we use in our macros. But perhaps it doesn't make sense to discuss single features without knowing the complete story. I assume that one can do *nearly* everything we planned to do also with CMake or one can at least find a replacement that works quite similar. But if one tries to use all of these things in combination, the result might not be the same.

So my idea to mention some single plus and minus facts in my summary obviously was a mistake, as it could be misunderstood easily and distracted the discussion from the general level to some minor points, even in total they add to the final result. Without the necessary context of how we are doing things and how we want to do them in future the discussion digressed.

So let's focus on the big issues. That should be enough. So those things that made me add the "nearly everything" in my sentence above.

The first big issue that I have is about dependencies.

Maybe it's me who didn't find the trick, but a forgotten add_dependency statement gave me a build that didn't break before it started (as it would do in our projected build system using the abstracting macros), but somewhere later. And it didn't break if by accident the same dependency in another makefile (totally unrelated to the "broken" one) made the build work. This is exactly the unstable behavior we want to get rid of. It will happen less often than in our current build system, but it is still possible.

If a build system knows all dependencies, it can use a correct build order. If it doesn't, it needs help from the developer that now takes over some of the duties that should belong to the build system. In a recursive build system that means telling the build system: "you need to build Y before you can build X. I don't tell you how to build Y, instead of that I tell you to call make for makefile M, this will deliver Y and you can proceed with building X. Believe me." This makes building Y a side effect from the POV of the build system, and from past experience we dislike that. A build system can do better if provided with the full information. That's where recursive and non-recursive build systems differ.

Becoming unsusceptible for side effects is important for us and this susceptibility in our current system was the main reason to consider a new build system at all. Without writing the same kind of macros that we have written for GNU Make we wouldn't get that in CMake, as my test has proven. So, as I wrote already, at the end there's no implementation or maintencance benefit from using CMake.

The second issue I have is that CMake still is a recursive system. Though it is better in resolving dependencies than "classical" recursive systems, it still has the other inherent disadvantages of them. Just to name the two most obvious ones: it does not scale with the number of processes as good as a non-recursive system does (especially in case of partial builds) and it needs to traverse all source directories just to find out that nothing needs to be built. From our current build system we know that this is a PITA at least on Windows, where it takes between 7 and 20 minutes for that on standard hardware (quad core CPU), depending on how "hot" the disk cache is. From our GNU Make based prototype we estimate that a non-recursive system for OOo, that does not traverse through the file system but includes makefiles, is ~5 times faster on Windows. That's a lot.

To my knowledge based on lurking on the mailing list and reading the documentation on your web site I concluded that CMake can be used recursively only. I would be glad if you could prove me wrong and show us that we can use CMake in a non-recursive way too without losing something else and that we won't run into scalability problems with our huge project. An example for what that could be: we made some scalability tests for GNU Make before we started using it and discovered that it doesn't scale well with the number of rules above ~25000 rules or so, but that could be fixed easily by using pattern rules as much as possible.

The biggest problem of a switch to CMake besides the ones already
mentioned is that it does not offer a migration path for us.
Switching our build system to CMake would require a one shot
conversion, including parallel maintenance of makefiles for the whole
duration of the switch (that is estimated to last for several

There are ways to do this. In particular, a recent addition to CMake
call external projects might be useful.
Our current build system is a huge perl program that builds "modules" (sub projects) by calling dmake processes. It evaluates the dependencies between the modules and does a lot more. It's comparable to what CMake does, though CMake does it better.

In our planned non-recursive build system most of the duties of the perl program just would go away and the replacement for it would be a quite simple makefile that just includes all other makefiles. Each of them can be converted from dmake to GNU Make step by step.

Here's how it would look like (example covers 8 modules):

include $(GBUILDDIR)/gbuild.mk

include $(foreach module,\
        framework \
        sfx2 \
        svl \
        svtools \
        xmloff \
        sw \
        toolkit \
        tools \

all : $(foreach module,$(gb_Module_ALLMODULES),$(call 
        $(call gb_Helper_announce,Completed all modules.)

clean : $(foreach module,$(gb_Module_ALLMODULES),$(call 
        $(call gb_Helper_announce,all modules cleaned.)


(Don't look too close at the somewhat long names; it's still an unpolished prototype.)

The included makefiles could be plugged into this makefile as well as called from the perl program without changing a single line of code, just a one-line wrapper is needed to call it in the Perl program. And each of these makefiles can be executed standalone.

Migrating to CMake would require to first convert the Perl program to a CMake process and then add each module as an external project, converting them to CMake later on step by step. This way we had to reimplement a lot of functionality that in our projected non-recursive system just wouldn't be needed.

So all in all the migration for a CMake conversion would be more work to do. Though I meanwhile think that it wouldn't be a one shot conversion as I wrote in my first mail. I got this impression because I only though about doing it the other way around (call CMake from the Perl program until all modules are converted).

Until now the balance says to me: no difference wrt. maintenance and user make files, more work to do for a conversion to CMake and some disadvantages due to its recursive nature. Now to some open questions.

Another topic that is mentioned is the fact that builds have to be run
from the top. That is not entirely true. You can have subprojects that
are built on their own. Each add_subdirectory can point to a complete
project. If you cd into the sub directory in the build tree, you can
just run make, and it will only build the targets associated with that
sub-project. Also, you could run cmake on the sub-project by itself if
it is written to work as an independent sub-project.

I never wanted to say that with CMake you always have to run from the top. But it seemed to me that by organizing the build in a way to allow more flexibility I lose other things.

Sure, we can create a CMake makefile for each module we want to be able to build invidually and make it an own CMake project. But of course we still want to have the full build over all modules, and we need its result in the same working directory as the build of the individual modules.

The project structure we are aiming at would look this way:



We have these two top level projects because we want to build OOo and our commercial variant from the same source tree, as they share most of the code.

We want to go to any sub module and build it independently from the rest, if possible without any external dependencies to other modules. Of course this would require that all other modules "below" had been built before at some time. If you ask why building single modules inside the whole tree is so important: remember the long time it takes on Windows to traverse through modules where nothing has to be built.

We want to go into any of the two top modules (here named ooo and sun) and do a complete build, with all dependencies evaluated correctly as we would get it for a "normal" project without sub projects.

We want to share the working directory between the two top level projects as we don't want to build the common parts twice, but each of them must be buildable separately as outside of our Hamburg lab only one top level project exists.

How do I have to setup a CMake build to support that build structure?


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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