Am Mon, 07 Jun 2010 19:05:12 +0530
schrieb Aditya Manthramurthy <>:

> /configure --disable-binfilter --disable-crashdump  
> --with-use-shell=bash --without-java --without-gpc  --with-openldap 
> --with-build-version=3.2.0 --without-fonts 
> --with-unix-wrapper=ooffice3.2 --enable-evolution2 --enable-dbus 
> --with-alloc=system --with-vba-package-format=builtin
> --enable-cairo=yes --enable-gtk --without-myspell-dicts
> --enable-gnome-vfs --enable-crypt-link --enable-pam-link
> --with-dynamic-xinerama --enable-xsltproc
> --with-linker-hash-style=both --with-gcc-speedup=ccache --with-git
> --with-git-managed --enable-symbols --disable-mono --disable-kde
> --disable-kde4 --with-mingwin=/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-g++
> --with-system-libs --with-system-headers  --without-system-lucene
> --without-system-saxon --without-system-agg --without-system-lpsolve
> --without-system-mythes
> Any suggestions? lucene, saxon, agg, lpsolve, mythes all won't accept 
> the system libraries for some reason, so they are all with a 
> "--without-system-" prefix above.
> It is building right now. But I somehow feel pessimistic :-(
Well, for starters a simple configure like:

./configure --disable-binfilter --disable-mozilla --without-junit \

should do on pretty much every linux disto. It might build more stuff
than you need (because it does not use your system libs), but it is a
lot saver (because it uses the stuff in the office repositories). I
would suggest to start with that and if only if that works to go and try
the more fancy configure switches, if needed.

see also:

Best Regards,


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