There is an education project and they may be in the best place to help you, See for example
and on that page you will find a couple of email links to people who may be able to advise you on programming. I hope you will also get a response here from someone who knows how to get started with development in OOo. I don't know enough to give you all the right pointers, but you can certainly start from
Being able to build Open Office on your own system is an essential first step, so you could get started with that while you research an area where you could contribute.

If you want to see a list of the things people are currently working on for the next release, see

Sorry, that's quite a long string! Whatever you choose to do may not be on that list, but it will give you a flavour of the kind of thing that happens.
Mike Hall

On 29/07/2010 08:52, Stephanie Smith wrote:
To Whom it May Concern,

I am a student at the University of Ballarat, and am in my final semester of
studies in a Bachelor of Applied Computing. Currently I am enrolled in the
course "Open Source&  Linux", and as part of our assessment we are required
to contribute to an open source project in some way.

I am primarily interested in software development, and throughout the
duration of my degree I have focussed on taking programming courses. I have
experience in a range of programming and scripting languages including C,
C++, Java, C#, HTML, PHP, and SQL, among others. I use a MacBook, and run
both Mac OS X and Windows 7.

I would really love the opportunity to contribute to OpenOffice, but am
unsure as to what would be appropriate for me to do. Due to the constraints
of my course I only have approximately 10 weeks, however I would be willing
to continue working on the project after the completion of my course in
order to complete my work to a high standard.

Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Stephanie Smith.

Mike Hall

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