
just noticed (well, have been told) that in the new GNU make build
system (oh, before I start any ranting: <disclaimer>Great Stuff (TM),
really!</disclaimer>) it is expected that header files which are to be
exported from a module reside in <module>/inc/<module>. And also, but my
understanding might be wrong here: Files are exported *if and only if*
they reside there.

While it is great to clean up this "which files are delivered from
where" mess we currently have, the above also implies that files from
<module>/inc/<module>/* are not exported anymore, i.e. it is not
possible to organize header files below the second <module> level.
Instead, they all need to be thrown on a big fat header file pile.

Is this understanding correct?

If so, I think this is not a good idea at all: Consider modules such as
toolkit, svtools and svx, where there is a more or less complex (well,
let's say: well-arranged and -readable) folder structure below the
module's include folder. Putting all those files into the flat
<module>/inc/<module> folder will certainly not contribute to the
readability of the source tree.

So, are there plans to relax the above restriction?


Frank Schönheit | Software Engineer | frank.schoenh...@oracle.com
Oracle Office Productivity: http://www.oracle.com/office

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