Hello Annika,

On Wednesday 01 December 2010, 10:01, Annika Westerlaken wrote:
> Thanks for your input. You're right about the entry being needed in
> manifest.xml, that was already taken care of however. I'm sorry for not
> being clear enough in my initial message.
> If I were to unzip an odt file containing a picture and rename this
> picture in content.xml, manifest,xml and the actual file in the Pictures
> folder and rezip it, OOo will ask to repair the document when I try to
> open it.

my guess is you might be doing something wrong. 
I've tried this manually and worked ok:

* unzip the odt document
* rename the picture
* change the content.xml and META-INF/manifest.xml
* zip the document back

OOo opens the modified document just fine, no warnings at all:

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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