Hi Bjoern,

On 06.06.2011 12:42, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
>> Whatever they did, they probably did what they did with their OOo 
>> installation in the past with the effect that using the Java interface from 
>> the command line does not work (using their unoinfo-output for Java) !
> That has nothing to do with OOo or LibreOffice, it did not work any better 
> with OOo. The root cause is that the bootstrap helper makes quite crazy 
> assumptions about where to find the soffice binary. Debian (and thus Ubuntu) 
> does quite a few changes (for example moving jars around), which the original 
> OOo code does not handle too well.
Sorry to correct you: installing the genuine OOo from
<http://www.OpenOffice.org> works. Flawlessly.

> unoinfo.sh has no role in this at all -- it is not even packaged on Ubuntu.
That's one of these amateurish, almost crazy assumptions along the
lines: "I do not see any use in it, hence let us drop it, it's probably
crap anyway".

It is almost crazy, because quite a few projects rely on unoinfo
supplying the correct CLASSPATH definition for interacting with OOo/LO
(the sequence matters), which then simply won't work with the Ubuntu

>> Instead one needs to deinstall LO, remove "~/.libreoffice" in home, get the 
>> official LO distribution and install it, then things start to work as was 
>> the case in the past with OOo.
> No, you would need to bootstrap with a ClassLoader having a correct resource 
> path. 
Please, give me a break!

> Never having seen this being reported against LibreOffice on launchpad, it 
> was assumed as not a serious issue.
Who is "it"? And for what reasons would "it" "assume as not a seriious
issue"? This is why I qualify such decisions to be amateurish, harming
such endeavors enormeously. (Companies affected by the negative outcome
of such decisions either turn away or kick out the broken installation.)

> Whining about it on the mailing list of a different project instead of filing 
> a bug is kind of ridiculous still, isnt it?

This was meant to point out to the OpenOffice.org list that those that
have broken OOo for Ubuntu are breaking LO as well!

And by the way, if you wanted to be constructive, why did you not supply
a link to the place for reporting it? If it was easy to find such a
place, I would have reported it (actually I even would report it still
as this is a potential problem for quite a few more apps, even if the
Ubuntu people are not realizing it, hoping that they are not ignorants).

As for my application the workaround is simple: just install the genuine
OOo (or LO for that matter) and do not use the broken Ubuntu installation.
(Besides, the Ubuntu people broke the user interface with 11.04 bad
times, either taking their users hostage for experiments, or having
total amateurs in charge for the most important application there exists
for an operating system for PC-based end users.)


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