On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 05:28:24PM +0200, rony wrote:
> It is almost crazy, because quite a few projects rely on unoinfo
> supplying the correct CLASSPATH definition for interacting with OOo/LO
> (the sequence matters), which then simply won't work with the Ubuntu
> distros.

And where should this mysterious unoinfo.sh be? In OOo? In LibO?
No. If it was it would be installed by the installer. If it isn't
that's a bug per se in the installer/scp2, and not in the packaging.
We (Debian) dont do anything special here.

Ah, I see:

ene@frodo:~/Debian/Pakete/LibreOffice/libreoffice-3.3.3/build$ find . -name 

So unoinfo.sh gets unoinfo and gets installed here (like with soffice etc.)

rene@frodo:~$ find /usr/lib/libreoffice/ -name "unoinfo*"
rene@frodo:~$ less /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/unoinfo

in Debian, is that what you mean?

If yes, then it's interesting why Ubuntu doesn't package it, yes. If not,
there's nothing either Debian or Ubuntu broke.


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