Probably because for ogr2ogr, c and c++ knowledge is required. I made my 
first steps in this direction about a year a go.

I encourage Ciprian to do what he does. One thing that might be helpfull 
though would be to use the C# wrappers already available for ogr2ogr in 
the project instead of shapelib.

Anyway, I requested to join cipriantalaba's project on Google Code.

Karl Newman schreef:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Ciprian Talaba 
>     Hi everybody,
>     I started the development on a tool that can convert from OSM
>     format to
>     Shapefile format, as the only tool available in SVN is a pain to use,
>     and I haven't try to port it on Windows. For this I have created a
>     project on GoogleCode:
>     It is based on .Net Framework 2.0 and uses a wrapper to connect to
>     shapelib library. The application is in an early development stage
>     and I
>     have some ideas on how developped it further, but your inputs are
>     welcomed anytime.
>     --Ciprian
> Why don't you write it as a driver for ogr2ogr? ( 
> <>) That's an oft-requested utility, which would 
> open up a wide variety of export formats. You could start with 
> read-only OSM access (which is effectively what you're doing now).
> Karl
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